Siits is a three year research and development project aimed at developing knowledge, methods, services and tools to secure that the transport systems of the future can be safe, efficient and green. In order to do that we must understand and manage vulnerabilities and risks, both when we build and when we operate the systems. Knowledge of the risks and risk management is important relating to each of the new technologies – but not least relating to the transport systems as a whole.
Transport and mobility are undergoing rapid development with implementation of new technology and increasing digitization. Self-driving and self-learning vehicles, and digital systems that are intertwined and talk to each other on their own are emerging at a rapid pace, and mobility becomes greener and more seamless.
With rapid change and large systems where everything is connected to everything, it becomes more difficult to understand the vulnerabilities, the security risks and how to mitigate those risks. What kind of events or actions can cause the systems to stop or not work properly? What can lead to accidents, and who is liable for the accidents? And what are the consequences when everything is connected?
In the project, experts in social security and risk, technology and solutions, infrastructure owners, research institutions, authorities, the insurance industry and cutting-edge expertise in regulations and law are cooperating to identify the risks and vulnerabilities and to look at how we can work to effectively find and manage risk (methods and tools), what requirements and framework conditions which both promote innovation and safeguard safety and security – and who is responsible for what in the transport system of the future.
I am honored to have been invited to assist with legal expertise to explore current obstacles in law to interaction and utilization of data, ownership of data, and to identify need for regulatory clarifications and change to the current framework conditions for the implementation and utilization of intelligent transport solutions.